I married a JW 20 years ago. She was unjustly (according to circuit overseer) reproved. So soon after, her privileges were reinstated. Life for newly married may not be as easy now that their Bible has been changed, as another poster mentioned. Back to my life.
- Biggest regret: I let my children be raised in the cult. They missed in a lot of great things: sports, celebrations, friends, school activities, etc, and I kick myself for that. The worst thing I have ever done in my life, by far, is to let my daughter be imprisoned by the cult through her baptism.
- Second biggest regret, I have to split my wife with "Jehovah" They spent a lot of time in that religion. It's near impossible to plan full weekends with them. Always meetings and preaching take precedence..
Good things:
- She will be a faithful wife, not because you are a great lover, but rather because God demands it... I know, it's not an ego boosting faithfulness.
- My children were raised in an environment that was quite clean; no drugs, alcohol, cursing, sexual innuendos
Whatever you do, be wise; it's a must at your age. Do as much research as you can. The Jehovah's Witnesses are members of a cult and behave as such. Don't be fooled by appearances. If she remains in, you are screwed. If she gets out, she is screwed, and you too, by association.
Go for it, if you both love each other very much, but you are definitely marrying into a cult that believes that very soon you will be destroyed for belonging to the false religion.